Tuesday, May 11 2010
On Arbor Day the city of Evansville announced a new ordinance requiring developers to include trees and green spaces in large, newly built parking lots.
It's called the "Landscaped Islands Ordinance" which was signed by Mayor Weinzapfel in March. "Large parking lots are a common part of the landscape of cities across the country. What we are ensuring with this ordinance is that new parking lots in our community will include green space to make these areas more visually appealing and lessen their negative impact on our environment," said Weinzapfel. Officials say landscaped islands help reduce heat and the amount of storm water run-off. Under the new ordinance, new developments with parking lots having 30 spaces or more will be required to have landscaped islands, one island for every 15 spaces. Developers will also have to plant trees in the islands when the parking lot is 60 spaces or more. Violators could face $500 fines. There are also incentives for developers who plant trees on the islands. Source: http://www.news25.us/Global/story.asp?S=12408360 Comments: