Tuesday, April 29 2008
We are often asked which closing documents to keep after the closing of a property. The closing documents are normally handed to the respective party in a folder. These should entail all documents that are signed. The documents mentioned below are the most important ones. We have seen certain closing companies to deliver a CD/DVD with all closing documents. This helps in cutting down the amount of paper used for each closing. Should you loose the folder or CD/DVD the closing company should still have a record on hand. Please call me at 812-499-9234 if you have any questions. On closing day, expect to sign a lot of documents and walk away with a big stack of papers. Here’s a list of the most important documents you should file away for future reference.
Sources: Credit Union National Association; Mortgage Bankers Association; Home-Buyer’s Guide (Real Estate Center at Texas A&M, 2000; http://www.realtor.org/rmotoolkits.nsf/customermain?readform